Newtown Township Parks and Recreation Department
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Mah Jongg with Neilia - Virtual Register View Cart

Originating in China, Mah Jongg is an exciting and engaging game using tiles to form hands, much like rummy.  Learn to play the American version using the National Mah Jongg League rules and card.  An experienced educator will explain the basics in simple terms and guide you as you learn.  It would be helpful to have a Mah Jongg set available to use during class.  All other necessary materials are included.
  • Each member of a household must register individually.
  • Registration for this class will close one week prior to the start of class so that you can receive the mailed materials in time for the first session.
  • This class will be taught on Zoom.  You will need an internet connection and a computer that has a camera or webcam.  The Zoom application must be installed before the class starts.  If you don’t have this app installed, you can download it for free at  Please go to the Zoom website and test the technology before class begins.
  • The instructor will email the ZOOM MEETING link to you before the class starts and will be available online 1/2 hour before each class for help and questions.
Instructor: Neilia Makadok

Registration Closing Dates

  • January Session: Registration closes December 30
  • April/May Session: Registration closes April 10

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Mah Jongg with Neilia - Virtual 
18y and up N/A Th  04/17/2025 - 05/08/2025
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

$95.00 R, $95.00 NR
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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