Kids Aromatic Crafting (ages 8-12)
This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.
In this workshop, participants will learn how to craft their own glycerin soap, body butter
stick, foot soak, lotion-like sugar scrub, and bath tea. The use of colorant, fragrance oil,
label design and glitter (optional for soap) will be discussed.
Note: The products may contain nut oil, nut butters, and dried botanicals. Also, some
parts of the crafting process require working with materials that are warm to the touch.
The instructor will assist in handling warm containers, if required.
Participants should bring a lunch and water bottle.
* A $30 materials fee (Cash Only) is due to the instructor at the beginning of class.
Instructor: Venessa Phipps,Certified Soap Maker & Teacher, owner DeGanya Aromatics
Material Precautions
In the creations of the products the raw materials used may contain nut products (Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter) fragrance oil, essential oils, flavorings, colorants and glitter. Children with sensitives to these products should NOT participant in the activities. The fragrance oil, essential oils flavoring and colorants used are in limited amounts 3-5 drops per container.
General Information
Participants need to bring the following items and participation is prohibited without the necessary equipment
o Bring a lunch and water bottle (class we take a 30 minute break)
o Full Apron or wear old clothes, product making is messy
o Tie back for long hair
o Bag to bring products home